TEC5V6A-D TEC Controller Peltier Controller

Time : Jun 19 2018Source :analogtechnologies Author : Analog Click :

Peltier controller is designed and used for driving Peltier coolers. Peltier cooler can also be called TEC module, so Peltier controller is also called TEC controller. ATI designed and manufactured various types of Peltier controllers that are used for driving TEC modules. We also provides multiple types of TEC modules for temperature applications.

This Peltier controller, TEC5V6A-D, comes with an output current up to 6A, and the power supply voltage of 5V. When regulating the object temperature, TEC modules can be driven by this TEC controller with high efficiency and high stability. For DIP package TEC controller, it can be evaluated easily by our evaluation board, TECEV104, and you can access this board through this link:


A DIP package TEC controller is shown in the photo below, in which we can see that it has a compact size.

This Peltier controller can work with our Peltier module, thermistor, and heat sink efficiently and stably, to form a temperature control system.

For more technical data of this TEC controller, please visit our website at:


For more types of Peltier controllers, please visit us at:


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