Temperature controller based on thermoelectric cooler

Time : Jun 24 2015Source :analogtechnologies Author : Analog Click :
Thermoelectric cooler (TEC) is based on “Peltier effect”, which can both cool and heat. According to changing the polarity of direct current, the same TEC can realize cooling or heating. This effect is achieved by the principle of thermoelectric. In principle, TEC just plays a role of a heat transfer tool. 

Physical picture of TEC

There are advantages as follows:
1.There is no need of any refrigerant and it can work continuously. 
2.TEC has two functions, cooling and heating. In general, the cooling efficiency is not very high, but the heating efficiency is very high, which is always greater than one. Therefore, only one piece of TEC can replace of discrete heating system and cooling system.
3.By controlling the input current, temperature control with high precision can be realized and because of temperature detection and temperature means, it is easy to form automatic control system. 
4.Thermal inertia of TEC is very small, and the time of heating and cooling is quite short. In the condition of good dissipation on the hot side and on-load on the cold side, the time of powering is less than one minute, and TEC can reach the maximum temperature difference. 
5.TEC has a wide temperature range, from 90℃ to -130℃

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